Daily Archives: 1, June 21, 2023

‘Do you think any other person in America would get the same treatment?’

‘No perp walk, no cuffs, no press conference’: Tucker Carlson excoriates Biden’s DOJ over Hunter Biden’s ‘sweetheart’ plea deal and says ‘a lifetime of sins was washed away in an instant’

Hunter’s dodge: Biden son WON’T be charged with money laundering, bribery or trafficking in ‘slap on the wrist’ plea deal

No one is above the law? Tell that to America’s least favorite deadbeat dad, Hunter Biden who’s walking away from a FIVE-YEAR probe into tax and gun crimes with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. It’s an abomination

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‘Santa Claus is more real than the integrity of the FBI and Justice Department under Joe Biden.’ 

Secret Service puzzled by intervention in Hunter Biden gun probe

Feb 11, 2023 A trove of new emails raises new questions about whether the Secret Service “protected” the Biden family and obscured the agency’s alleged involvement in a police probe after Hunter…

To express disappointment in the results of the Hunter Biden probe is to admit you ever believed it was an actual and honest investigation. 

Shame on you, sucker.

FBI Director James Comey… tweeting a photo of himself with swag supporting former Vice President Joe Biden and his running mate, Sen. Kamala…

Hunter Biden’s plea deal is proof Democrats are ‘The Untouchables’ in Joe’s America

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