‘Santa Claus is more real than the integrity of the FBI and Justice Department under Joe Biden.’ 

Secret Service puzzled by intervention in Hunter Biden gun probe

Feb 11, 2023 A trove of new emails raises new questions about whether the Secret Service “protected” the Biden family and obscured the agency’s alleged involvement in a police probe after Hunter…

To express disappointment in the results of the Hunter Biden probe is to admit you ever believed it was an actual and honest investigation. 

Shame on you, sucker.

FBI Director James Comey… tweeting a photo of himself with swag supporting former Vice President Joe Biden and his running mate, Sen. Kamala…

Hunter Biden’s plea deal is proof Democrats are ‘The Untouchables’ in Joe’s America

By Michael Goodwin June 20, 2023

To express disappointment in the results of the Hunter Biden probe is to admit you ever believed it was an actual and honest investigation. 

Shame on you, sucker.

Santa Claus is more real than the integrity of the FBI and Justice Department under Joe Biden. Friend and family discounts have never been so obvious — and odious.

For the other side of the coin, see the FBI’s tracking of parents who dared to criticize progressive school boards and agents who were willing to carry out an armed visit to the home of an anti-abortion protester. Traditional Catholics also were singled out for undercover surveillance.

Third World decay 


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