Daily Archives: 1, June 22, 2023

Guess What… Now That Biden Is President You Pull Up To The Curb In Philly In Your Truck And Start Selling AR-15s… Selling Guns Out The Back… You Do That Now You Go To Jail

Biden goes on anti-gun tirade, suggests there’s ‘no rational basis’ for 9mm pistols

Biden calls 9mm ‘high-caliber weapons,’ suggests banning them

Biden: Bullet Out of AR-15 is 5X Faster than Bullet of Any Other Gun

Joe Biden Has More Gun Advice: ‘Just Fire the Shotgun Through the Door’

Biden Claims There Are Trucks That “Pull The Curb” To Sell AR-15s On The Street In Philly, New York

Biden bizarrely ends gun control speech with ‘God save the Queen, man.’

Biden says “Pistol-stabilizing Braces” turns pistols into guns and make it so that you can have higher caliber bullets coming out of the gun.

unarmed person coming at them with a knife or something”

“Instead of standing there and teaching a cop when there’s an unarmed person coming at them with a knife or something, shoot them in the leg instead of in the heart,” Biden told African American community leaders in June of 2020 at Bethel AME Church in Wilmington, Delaware.

Police rip Biden’s repeated advice to shoot suspects ‘in the leg’

PHILADELPHIA, Pa. – Law enforcement groups blasted Vice President Joe Biden for again suggesting training police to shoot suspects “in the leg” is a viable way to avoid fatalities, decrying the proposal as dangerous and ignorant.

Here are the latest facts proving that “good guy with the gun” scenarios are REAL and SAVE LIVES.

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Success: Bloodied Female Screaming For Help Chases Black Male Attacker As Other Subway Riders ‘go about their business’

Daniel Penny faces up to 15 years on 2nd-degree manslaughter charge in chokehold death of…

During a fiery eulogy last month, the Rev. Al Sharpton told a packed church that “when they choked Jordan, they put their arms around all of us.

DeSantis And Gaetz Applaud ‘Hero’ Daniel Penny—Charged With Manslaughter…

Jordan Williams faces manslaughter charge for protecting girlfriend on NYC subway.

Begging for help Disturbing video shows bloody NYC subway slash victim chasing own attacker as riders appear to go about their business

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‘Thank God Biden’s DOJ is ensuring the MPD won’t be stopping black drivers at “disproportionate” rates, anymore.’

VIDEO: Joe Biden Says Police Don’t Stop White Girls