Daily Archives: 1, June 27, 2023

‘GOP presidential candidate @RonDeSantis says under his administration, he would change rules of engagement to allow for deadly force to be used against illegal immigrants cutting through border wall.’

‘GOP presidential candidate @RonDeSantis shares his plan for border w/ @FoxNews – Deputize state & local law enforcement to enforce immigration law – Mass deportations. – End birthright citizenship – Declare national emergency day one. – “There will be a new sheriff in town in January 2025”

– Mass deportations. Says Trump admin failed to deliver on this promise. – Border wall, partially funded by taxing remittances – Cut off federal funding of NGOs – End catch & release – Terminate all Biden admin executive authorities, end use of parole. – Reject interpretation of US law that migrants who have entered US must be allowed in to be processed. “They can be repelled, that’s sovereignty 101” – he tells me. – Push to end birthright citizenship – Change rules of engagement vs cartels & smugglers. – Deputize state & local law enforcement to enforce immigration law – Declare national emergency day one. – “There will be a new sheriff in town in January 2025,” he tells me.

Section 287(g) Is the Right Answer for State and Local Immigration Enforcement

House Dems push DHS to stop working with local police on immigration

House Democrats urged the Biden administration on Thursday to end programs at the Department of Homeland Security that allow for state and local police officers to take on the role of federal immigration enforcement.

Supreme Court allows Biden administration to limit immigration arrests, ruling against states

‘Troopers responded to a large group of 100+ attempting to ‘Illegally Enter Our Country ‘…a group of 20+ single adults breached a fence & made entry, but Troopers arrested them. The majority are from Venezuela & one from China.’

Biden says ‘more important things’ than border visit, despite 59 trips …

Dec 7, 2022 President Biden has visited Delaware 59 times and stopped for ice cream eight times, but he defended himself Tuesday for not traveling to the crisis-ridden U.S.-Mexico border.

The Problem With State And Local Cops ‘Nobody is above the law’: Democratic State Senator Arrested For Vandalizing A Car With ‘Biden sucks’ bumper sticker.’ 

‘Nobody is above the law, including those who make and enforce the laws,’ [Colonel Michael] Winquist added. ‘The officers who handled this investigation did so with fairness, integrity, and without preferential treatment.’

Awkward moment Democratic senator accused of keying car with ‘Biden sucks’ bumper sticker is arrested: Name drops police chief to try and wriggle out of charge

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