Monthly Archives: July 2023

Biden blocks federal funds from schools with archery and hunting programs

Biden blocks federal funds from schools with archery and hunting programs

July 31, 2023 06:48 PM. The Department of Education is withholding federal funding from hunting and archery programs in schools, citing a bipartisan law passed last year that tightened …

Biden Admin Spends $4.6 Million in Taxpayer Cash To Fund LGBT Activity Abroad

Biden admin gives $2M grant to Soros-backed Puerto Rican group battlng ‘toxic masculinities’

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott REFUSES to remove the floating wall along US-Mexico border: ‘I will do whatever I have to do to defend our state from the invasion of the Mexican drug cartels and others who have tried to come into our country illegally, and I will protect our sovereignty.’

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott REFUSES to remove the floating wall along US-Mexico border and claims it is necessary to stop the ‘invasion’ of migrants flooding into US

  • Lone Star state leader Greg Abbott staunchly defended ‘operation hold the line’ after being sued by the Biden Just Department last week 
  • The roughly 1,000-foot-long chain of orange buoys is meant to deter and prevent illegal migrants from crossing the Rio Grande into Texas 
  • Abbott said he would see the Biden administration in court, as he continues to take action to quell the number of migrants flowing into Texas 

Taking Those Jobs Americans ‘won’t do’: Democrat Illinois Gov. Pritzker signs bill allowing non-US citizens to become police officers – Republican Rep. Mary Miller: “No sane state would allow foreign nationals to arrest their citizens, this is madness!”

The Illinois Fraternal Order of Police declared earlier this month, “What message does this legislation send when it allows people who do not have legal status to become the enforcers of our laws? This is a potential crisis of confidence in law enforcement at a time when our officers need all the public confidence they can get.”

‘This is madness’: Illinois Gov. Pritzker signs bill allowing non-US citizens to become police officers

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker – a Democrat – signed a bill into law on Friday that would allow non-U.S. citizens to become police officers. Opponents of the bill argue that it would be “madness” to allow foreign nationals to arrest American citizens.

CBS News Chicago reported last month, “Federal law states that only U.S. citizens can serve as police officers and deputies.”

In September 2022, California Gov. Gavin Newson signed Senate Bill 960 into law, which “repealed existing citizenship requirements for peace officers, including police, corrections and highway patrol officers,” according to the Associated Press.

There are jobs that Americans won’t do “There are jobs that just simply aren’t getting done because Americans won’t do them.” (Pres. Bush, Cleveland, Ohio, March 20, 2006)

John McCain Trashes American Workers – YouTube

McCain: There are jobs Americans won’t do for $50 an hour

NYT: There Is No Good Reason You Should Have to Be a Citizen to Vote

New York City will allow 800,000 noncitizens to vote in local elections

Dems Back Illegal-alien Voting for Good Reason: Illegals Vote Democrat

Mysterious Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered In Remote California City – Substances Detected Include ‘at least 20 potentially infectious agents, including coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis and herpes’

Now China is funding America’s PUBLIC SCHOOLS: Communist nation has channeled $17M into more than 143 K-12 districts – sparking GOP probe

“I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This” – Mysterious Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered In Remote California City

Additionally they found 900 genetically engineered mice, engineered to catch and carry COVID-19, living in “inhumane” conditions.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tested the substances and detected at least 20 potentially infectious agents, including coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis and herpes, according to a Health and Human Services letter dated June 6.

Agents also found thousands of package boxes – many with shipping labels from China. Below is a photo included in court documents in California.

Chinese elite have paid some $31M to Hunter and the Bidens

VIDEO: Joe Biden mocks China threat – ‘They’re not bad folks’

Former Vice President and 2020 Democratic candidate Joe Biden downplayed China in a speech this week and declared that the communist nation isn’t a significant threat.

Biden says ‘I’m not concerned about China’ at press conference

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All “cover-ups” Are Equal But Some Are More Equal

Trump ‘tried to delete Mar-a-Lago server and wipe surveillance footage’: Donald hit with MORE charges over classified documents ‘cover-up’ – with head of maintenance also implicated

Hillary Clinton Defies Subpoena, ‘Wiped Her Server Clean’

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Biden’s DHS Secretary: A lying scoundrel with no honor who has inflicted massive damage at the border and extinguished every last spark of morale within the Border Patrol.

Mayorkas knew border agents did not whip migrants before repeating false claims

Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana: “I’ve been in Congress seven years. I think you’re the most dishonest witness that has ever appeared before the Judiciary Committee, and I think I speak for a lot of my colleagues.”

Biden’s Ministry of Truth: Never-before-released internal documents… PROVE that Facebook and Instagram censored posts and changed their content moderation policies because of unconstitutional pressure from the Biden White House.

Biden Establishes a Ministry of Truth – WSJ

The Facebook Files Show Brazen and Aggressive Censorship

Justin Hart July 27, 2023

Never-before-released internal documents subpoenaed by the Judiciary Committee PROVE that Facebook and Instagram censored posts and changed their content moderation policies because of unconstitutional pressure from the Biden White House.

These documents, AND OTHERS that were just produced to the Committee, prove that the Biden administration abused its powers to coerce Facebook into censoring Americans, preventing free and open discourse on issues of critical public importance.

According to The Allentown Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Letter to Mayor: “…white police officers have threatened to shoot their Black colleagues and use racial slurs against them.”

NAACP alleges multiple acts of racism, discrimination against city employees in Allentown, in letter to city’s mayor

ALLENTOWN, Pa. – The Allentown chapter of the NAACP, in a letter to city Mayor Matt Tuerk dated July 15, says that multiple incidents of racism and discrimination have taken place against city employees.

…white police officers have threatened to shoot their Black colleagues and use racial slurs against them…

…white office supervisors and managers have verbally attacked their Black and brown colleagues…

…white managers rule out Black and brown employees during promotions…

…white officers were allowed to sit next to each other and cheat on exams…

Hire more minorities as Allentown police – The Morning Call

Allentown Police Department wants more minorities – WFMZ

Police Are Seeking Diversity * Allentown Department Wants a Pool of Minority Candidates For Hiring List

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“Anger. Fear. Questions with no answers” Guests kicked out of Super 8 in Rotterdam, NY to make room for Biden asylum seekers

Middle class Joe Biden from Scranton relaxes and catches some rays at Delaware beach.

Guests kicked out as Super 8 in Rotterdam to make room for asylum seekers, according to Town Board member

Times Union|8 days ago

Alicia Cartland, Jazmine Frasier and Marcus Frasier with their belongings after getting thrown out of the Super8 motel on Tuesday in Rotterdam. A sign at the Carman Road motel says it is closing. Belongings sit outside the Super8 on Tuesday in Rotterdam after guests were told they had to leave the building,

Rotterdam residents express outrage, concern over asylum-seekers

The Daily Gazette|16 hours ago

Anger. Fear. Questions with no answers.  That was the theme of a special meeting held Monday night by the Rotterdam Town Board, scheduled in response to the sudden closure last week of the Super8 motel

Rotterdam Council passes resolution to stop more migrants from entering the county

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Illegal Alien ’63-year-old soccer coach Camilo Hurtado Campos of Mexico’ Charged With Drugging And Raping ’10 young boys from 9 to 17-years-old’ Has ‘an arrest record that dates back nearly 20 years in Tennessee.’

Biden’s Border Crisis Puts American Children in Danger – NRSC

“Tennesseans deserve to know why the Department of Homeland Security permitted this criminal to live in their community and abuse their children after entering the country illegally,” the Republicans wrote in their letter.

Detective: Illegal Alien’s Cellphone Included ‘Several Videos’ of Him Raping Young Boys

7/25/2023 – As Breitbart News reported, 63-year-old soccer coach Camilo Hurtado Campos of Mexico was arrested and charged in Franklin County, Tennessee, this month for allegedly drugging and sexually abusing 10 young boys from 9 to 17-years-old.