Daily Archives: 1, June 27, 2024

‘A police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a black male…’: ‘One of 3 teens charged in Oakland County deputy’s murder’

Race Hustler Joe Biden: Cops Don’t Pull Over White Girls

Biden’s Statements on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Anniversary of Convicted Felon George Floyd’s Death

Joe Biden, career politician since the 1970s: “It is about access to power. It is a trait used by charlatans all over the world, divide people, divide them and pit them against one another.”

One of 3 teens charged in Oakland County deputy’s murder

Biden says there’s “absolutely” systemic racism in law enforcement

Mac Donald: Statistics Do Not Support The Claim Of ‘Systemic Police Racism’

A police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.