Daily Archives: 1, June 29, 2024

‘Despicable Lie’: Afghanistan Gold Star families slam ‘old fool’ Biden for falsely claiming in debate no troops died under his watch: ‘Our kids deserve better’. Biden forgot the deaths of 13 American soldiers

Afghanistan Gold Star families slam Biden after claim no troops died

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‘Spectacularly incompetent!’: Forget About Four More Years What About The Next 7 Months

Devastating Daily Mail poll reveals just how bad the debate was for meandering and ‘incompetent’ Biden… and the staggering number of voters who want him to drop out

‘Spectacularly incompetent!’ Biden branded ‘massive embarrassment’ to US on world stage

“Realistically, the chances of Biden running again are pretty low. His presidency has been the most left-wing presidency in US history and it’s been a disaster.

“Most Americans are very unhappy with the US presidency. He is certainly not fit to be leader of the free world.”

“Biden has been a spectacularly incompetent President, leading the US down a path of a very serious decline.

“He doesn’t act like a leader of the free world. This is a United States in retreat under Biden.

Border Patrol Union On Biden’s Lie: “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.”

‘Americans Are Paying The Cost’: Biden Slammed As Southern Border Crossings Hit All-Time High

Border Patrol Union Humiliates Biden in the Middle of the Debate After Endorsement Claim


Biden’s Core Campaign Strategy

Biden Downplays Illegal Migrant Crime by Saying Women Are Also Raped by In-Laws, Sisters

Biden Downplays Illegal Migrant Crime by Saying Women Are Also Raped by In-Laws, Sisters

Hannah Knudsen, Breitbart, June 27, 2024

President Joe Biden seemingly downplayed illegal immigrant crime during Thursday night’s presidential debate by asserting that women are also raped by their in-laws, brothers, and sisters.

“Look, there’s so many young women who have been — including a young woman who just was murdered, and he went to the funeral, and the idea that she was murdered by, by-by an immigrant coming in — they talk about that,” Biden said during the debate {snip}

“But here’s the deal. There’s a lot of young women to be raped by their, by their in-laws, by their, by their spouses, brothers and sisters. It’s just, it’s just ridiculous, and they can do nothing about it,” Biden added, making the remark during a Q&A on abortion.


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