Daily Archives: 1, January 15, 2023

‘At least 74 Illinois sheriff’s departments vow to defy state assault weapons ban’

Illinois Which Previously Passed A ‘“sanctuary” law’ To ‘protect immigrants from.. harassment’ And Eliminated Cash Bail For Those Charged With A Crime – Ignores SCOTUS’ Bruen Decision And Now Targets Law Abiding Citizens By Banning ‘many of the most popular firearms in America, firearms that are currently in common use for lawful purposes and which law-abiding citizens have legally owned for many years.’

At least 74 Illinois sheriff’s departments vow to defy state assault weapons ban

Dozens of Sheriffs in Illinois to Defy State Assault Weapons Ban

By Margaret Flavin
Published January 15, 2023 at 9:15am

On Tuesday, Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker signed the “Protect Illinois Communities Act”  banning the sale and manufacture of assault weapons in the state.

The law bans assault weapons, including some semiautomatic firearms, as well as high-capacity magazines and rapid-firing devices.

Starting next year, failure to provide state police with the serial numbers for assault-style rifles will be a Class A misdemeanor. The charge is punishable by up to a year in prison.

Dozens of county sheriffs in Illinois, however, suggest they will refuse that provision of the bill.

A joint statement Madison County ‘s Sheriff State’s Attorney reads:

Dear Citizens,

Like many of you, we are very concerned by the passage of HB 5471, which bans certain commonly-used firearms and firearm components in the State of Illinois. Overnight, thousands of otherwise legal gun owners fear their Second Amendment rights are in jeopardy. We feel the duty to clarify for our citizens the policy their Madison County law enforcement leaders will adopt with regard to this new situation.

As with any statute passed by the legislature and signed by the governor, it is presumed constitutional.

But we are acutely aware that this statute touches on fundamental constitutional issues and is in obvious tension with recent and binding Supreme Court precedent on the Second Amendment. Among other things, it bans many of the most popular firearms in America, firearms that are currently in common use for lawful purposes and which law-abiding citizens have legally owned for many years.

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